by: admin

Question: On occasion of completion of Quran memorization by me and recitation by my sister, my parents wish to celebrate it. They want to arrange a gathering to call friends and relatives. They say that it is a moment of happiness and they wish to thank Allah in this way. I am 11 years old and my sister is 10 years old and we live in America. Is such a celebration permitted in Islam?

Answer: Praise be to Allah.

The most correct view is that there is no religious prohibition against hosting a gathering to celebrate this. That is, the Completion of Quran, as a way of showing gratitude to Allah. Scholars have stated that such a celebration is permissible. But only as long as it avoids prohibited actions, such as mixing between men and women, singing, or dancing.

Celebrating completion of Quran, and inviting people for gathering, carries potential risk of two types:

  1. It might lead to showing off and boasting (Riyaa الرياء).
  2. It could be seen as innovation (bidah بدعة), especially if people begin to believe that such celebrations are a required practice every time someone completes the Quran.

The first risk can be avoided by ensuring that one’s intentions are sincere for the sake of Allah. While the second risk can be avoided by limiting the celebration to a small gathering of close family and friends. It is important not to hold such gatherings frequently, as doing so could lead people to mistakenly think that it is part of the Sunnah.


Celebrating the completion of Quran is not a Sunnah

Furthermore, celebrating the completion of Quran is not a Sunnah. This is because there is no record of such celebrations from the Prophet (ﷺ) or his companions. Performing this act with the belief that it is a religious requirement would be considered bidah.

However, people may celebrate the completion of Quran as a customary way of expressing joy. This is similar to celebrations for someone returning after a long absence, finding a job, or moving to a new house. If the celebration is done in this manner, there is nothing wrong with it.


Reciting the Quran in such gathering

Also if someone recites a passage from the Quran—whether from the beginning or the end—without the need for specific surahs or connecting the beginning and end, that is perfectly fine. Reciting the Quran during a gathering is the best action, as it serves as a reminder for all those present.

As for making dua (supplication) after completing the recitation of the Quran, it is reported with a sound chain of narration. It is reported that when Anas (ra) finished reciting the Quran, he would gather his family and make dua. If the person completing the Quran makes dua and those present say “Ameen,” this practice is acceptable.

Sheikh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah said: “It is reported from a group of our rightly guided predecessors that there is an accepted Dua after each completion of Quran; and the legally approved type of invocation is when the person supplicates for himself, parents, teachers and for other Muslim believers”.

We ask Allah to bless you abundantly, grant you success in memorizing the Quran, and guide you to sincerity in both words and actions.


and Allah knows best!


Do you want to know about the prominent Sahabah (companions of prophet) who memorized Quran? Click here