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The following are the Divisions of the Quran (Tajzeea tul Quran):

Suwar (سور)

There are hundred and fourteen (114)  Suwar; single of it is surah in the holy Quran, and every Surah has comprises of Ayat. The longest Surah is Surah Baqarah, which consist of two hundred and eight six Ayat while the shortest surah, Surah Kawthar consist of only three ayat.

Ayat (ايات)

Each Surah of the Holy Quran is divided into Ayat. Generally the ayat  in english writing is called verse. Total number of ayat in the Holy Quran is six thousand two hundred and thirty six (6236).

Divisions of the Quran into Suwar and Ayat is the divine as it was inspired to the prophet Muhammad by Allah, so it is considered a genuine quality of the Noble Quran. There are some other types of division that is Ajza, Ahzab and Rukuat, which was the result of the efforts done in this regard by some Muslim scholars.

Ajza  (اجزاء)

The Holy Quran has been divided into 30 equal aprts called Ajza for the convenience of the reader of the Holy Quran, so that one can easily recite the entire Quran during 30 days especially in the month of Ramadhan.

Ahzab (احزاب) or Hizb (حزب)

Each Juz is divided into two equal portions called Ahzab. So there are sixty Ahzab in the whole Quran.

Arba (ارباع)

Divisions of the Quran include Arba. Each Hizb is again subdivided into four equal parts that is quarter called Arba. So, we have there two hundred and forty Ahzab in the entire Quran. The three middle quarters are named as below:

First quarter of Hizb is called Rub ul Hizb (ربع الحزب)

Second quarter of Hizb is called Nisful Hizb (نصف الحزب)

Third quarter of Hizb is called Thalathatu (ثلاثة ارباع الحزب)

Rukuat ركوعات

The divisions of the quran into Ahzab and Arba is usually seen in the Quran Mushaf printed in the Middle East and the other Arab countries.

While the Quran Mushaf printed in India, Pakistan and surrounding countries has been divided into Rukuat each Surah is divided into paragraphs or sections, containing a particular group of Ayat known as Rukuat. For example the first Surah of The Holy Quran that is Surah Fatiha has seven Ayat, grouped in one Ruku. And while the second Surah of the Quran, Surah Baqarah has 286 Ayat grouped, into forty Rukuat. There are five hundred and forty Ruku in the Holy Quran.


Do you want to know the various names of Quran? Click here