by: admin

Being regular to Quran classes is not the only thing that is important to make sure proper learning. Since most of the time is spent outside the class, it is very essential for the student to go back and do the relevant home work.

This practice of completing home work plays major role in quick and proper learning in nearly all fields of study. Classes are essentially meant to get an idea of the topic, while the home work makes the student perfect in it.

It has been observed that most of the students end up coming to the Quran classes without completing the home work given by the Quran tutor. This slows down the pace of the child’s quran learning and hence may stop abruptly in future.

It is very important for parents to follow up their child’s progress on a daily basis and not depend solely on the teacher. They should consistently ask him how he performed in his daily assignments, while making sure that this follow-up is done with love and compassion. The daily assignments required of each student are as follows:

1) The new lesson [This should be memorized at home]

2) Reciting the last five pages he has memorized

3) Reciting his daily review, consisting of at least ten pages

4) Correcting the recitation of the next day’s assignment

Parents are encouraged to visit the teacher periodically. The purpose of these visits is to find out how the child is progressing in both his Qur’anic memorization and behavior.


In addition, the parents can use these visits to inform the teacher of relevant information regarding their child’s personality, so that he can teach him more effectively.

This way, both parties will receive the maximum benefit from one other. The parents should also remember to thank the teacher and show their appreciation for all his efforts.

They should pray for his steadfastness and success in this great and demanding task, which he has taken upon himself, realizing that no one can truly reward a Qur’an teacher for his work except Allah, the Most High.