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There was a time when amongst Muslims the most intelligent person was the one who memorized Quran and learnt it in depth. However, today, the most intelligent person is considered to be the one who has more higher degrees of worldly education.

This surely is an unfortunate situation of our ummah that today we pay more attention to other worldly studies instead of concentrating on first teaching Quran to the children.

Many amongst us give less importance to the Quran learning and instead go about teaching their kids the basics of other studies like languages, maths, science etc. This indeed is a grave deviation from what has been commanded to us.

The most important learning that needs to be taught to a child is that of Allah and what could be better than Quran in achieving this purpose. The Quran teaching should be initiated right at an early stage, preferably when the child starts to speak.

Besides being a book of rules and regulations for life, Quran has other miraculous benefits that will make your child better in character. What could be a better speech than the speech of Allah for your kid to learn? This learning surely improves the speech of your child.

Moreover, Quran learning also improves the capacity of a child’s brain. It is disheartening to see that most of the children studying in various Madrasas and Islamic schools are actually the most weakest in their family. This is why they have been put in such schools.

However, when Quran learning is tested on a child who has an average intelligence, it has seen drastic improvement in the mental power of the child. Moreover, those kids who are mentally weak tend to improve on learning Quran.

It is necessary to give the study of Qur’an the necessary attention that will make the child excel in his memorization. This memorization is the fundamental Islamic study which should be given utmost priority.

The attention given to it should be equivalent to the attention given to his other studies, if not more. The child should be encouraged and praised when he performs well in his Qur’anic studies and reprimanded when he does not.

He should be made to feel the importance of fulfilling his daily Qur’anic assignments in an excellent manner and should be helped with his assignments if necessary.

Alhumdulillah, Peace Quran Academy does exactly the same that is provide the best Quran learning service for your child.