by: admin

There is nothing more pleasing to the parent’s eyes than to see their children being raised upon the obedience of Allah, the Most High. However, raising them in this way demands great effort.

Children are like young plants; they need lots of care and attention until their stems grow firm and they are able to produce their own fruit. The plant’s soil needs to be fertile and must be watered regularly. Then it should be carefully and cautiously observed, and wisely encouraged.

If these conditions are fulfilled, the end result will be a strong and beautiful plant. As such are the youth who are raised upon the obedience of Allah, those who will be granted the shade of Allah on the Day of Judgment – the Day when there will be no shade but His.

Therefore, one of the greatest things a parent can do for the welfare of their children’s lives, in this world and the next, is to encourage and help them in every way possible to memorize Qur’an and embody the character that it calls to.


Today, alhumdulillah, Hifz Online is an easy way to make your child learn Quran from the comfort of your home. Online Quran teacher can concentrate much better on your child’s learning.

This will not only benefit the child, but also the caring parents who played a great role in their child’s success, by Allah’s grace and favor. It suffices us to quote our beloved Prophet’s (Pbuh) glad tiding regarding this.

He said “The parents of the one who memorized the Qur’an and acted upon it will be adorned on the Day of Judgment with a crown which glows with a light stronger than the sun’s light glowing in the homes of this world. So what do you think will happen to the actual person who acts upon it? [Abu Dawood]

He also stated, “When a person dies, all of his actions come to an end except for three: an ongoing charity, beneficial knowledge, and a righteous child who supplicates for him.” [Sahih Muslim]

May Allah have mercy on Imam ash-Shaatibee, author of the famous poem “Hirz al-Amaanee wa Wajhut-tahaanee”, regarding the seven modes of recitation, which is better known as “ash-Shaatibiyyah”. He wrote in encouragement and praise of the Qur’anic reciters:

O reciter of the Qur’an, holding firmly to it,

Honoring and esteeming it at all times.

Satisfaction and ease (will be) for your parents,

Who will have garments of light, from crowns and jewelry.

So what would you think of the offspring when he gets his reward,

These are the People of Allah, the chosen assembly.

The people of piety, goodness, patience and taqwaa,

The Qur’an describes them in detail as such.

Be with (the Qur’an) for as long as you live and compete,

And sell off your dunyaa (worldly life) for the highest and most valuable (gain).

As a result, we need to encourage ourselves, along with all parents, to exert as much effort as possible to attain eternal happiness for themselves as well as their children by helping them achieve the great honor of memorizing the Glorious Qur’an.

Parents exert lots of energy to provide the essentials of a comfortable life for their children, including food, clothing, education, social status, and so on. Likewise, they should also provide them ‘with the means that will protect their religion and guide them to the path of those journeying to Allah. And the greatest of these means is the memorization of Allah’s Glorified Book.

Everyone agrees that providing the necessities of life for one’s child is a parental obligation. All parents try to fulfill this responsibility, whether they are Muslim or non-Muslim, righteous or evil.

However, parents who provide their children with the means of protecting their religion, the greatest of these means being the memorization of the Qur’an, are only a special group whom Allah has chosen.

This special responsibility should be the greatest preoccupation of every Muslim parent, because through the memorization of the Qur’an, one protects the grand structure of this great religion of Islam; the religion that our pious predecessors shed their blood to protect.

Through ensuring the child’s memorization of the Qur’an, the parent will facilitate, for both himself and his children, the achievement of salvation and (the act at) fleeing to Allah.

Thus, parents have to be patient for the suggested period of time until their child attains this beneficial knowledge. This period of time is not very long; usually it does not take the average student more than three years.

However, this goal can be achieved in an even shorter time by the advanced student who is serious in his quest, consistent in his attendance, and is blessed with the encouragement and supplication of his parents.

If a child is raised in a Qur’anic environment and realizes the great blessing of Allah upon him and how much effort, care, sincerity, love, and hard work his parents exerted in teaching him the Qur’an, he will be thankful and appreciative, by Allah’s permission. He will be grateful, first and foremost, to his Creator and then to his parents.

As long as he lives, he will always remember their favor upon him and the great good they gave him. Hence, he will never tire from supplicating for them with the supplication that the Qur’an has taught him:

“O Allah, have mercy upon them as they raised me when I was young” [Surah Al Isra 17:24]

O my Lord, forgive me, my parents, and the believers on the Day of Account”. [Surah Ibraheem 14:41]

This child will also be keen on following, the advice that the Prophet (pbuh) gave to the companion who came to him asking, “Is there any good I can do to my parents after they have passed away?” He replied, “Yes, supplicate for them, seek forgiveness for them, fulfill their vows, be good to their kin and honor their friends.” [Abu Dawood]

In order for parents to better understand what is required of them to successfully fulfill this desired and noble act, certain guidelines must be followed which are given on this site. If these guidelines are properly followed, Allah will grant the parents the complete and desired result.

In conclusion, dear parents, if you carefully consider and apply the guidelines mentioned on on this website, you will help your child, by Allah’s permission, to memorize the Qur’an proficiently and in a short period of time with a minimal amount of effort.

These guidelines describe some of your responsibilities and obligations towards your children, which you must perform if you want them to be from those who memorize Allah’s book, act upon it, give it its due right, and defend it.

Lastly, there is a piece of advice to brothers and sisters who did not get the chance to memorize the Qur’an during their childhood nor when they grew older. Such a person can gain the same reward that he missed out on by encouraging others and supporting them in their memorization of the Qur’an.

He should start off with his own children, family members, and dependents, then his friends and other potential students. If he is a wealthy’ person or holds an influential position, he should take advantage of this blessing by starting memorization classes and programs, and striving to spread them.

He should know that the one who calls to good gets the same reward as the one who does it. So whatever he spends in this noble cause will make him join the ranks of the memorizers of the Qur’an, by Allah’s permission, thus elevating himself in the ranks of Paradise.

To make things easy for you, Peace Quran Academy provides you an exclusive facility to make your children learn and memorize Quran from the comfort of your home. It also provides Quran learning service for Adults.

Register yourself and your child for the demo classes and see how it works. Click here to Register.